Saturday, 24 October 2009

A Song A Day: #6

You might think that after a Friday night of boozing and dancing I'd get off the nightbus and head straight to bed. But, with a song to finish, there was no chance of that. This side of the Atlantic, it's hard to claim that it's still Friday, but you can't fault my dedication.

This will be a short post, and not just because it's past 4am and I'm shattered. Today's song is, in terms of lyrical content, pretty personal, certainly more so than anything else I've written this week. And I'd rather not rake over the subject matter in public. Suffice to say it's called I Draw The Line, and lyricswise it's pretty short (12 lines) - which is down to laziness more than anything. I wrote on the guitar today, and returned to the chords I'd been playing around with a couple of days ago for Higher Shelf. This time the lyrics fitted better. The resulting song is very earnest - think John Mayer meets Gary Barlow - and not remotely ironic. It's not very sophisticated, but the chords are pretty. And goshdarnit, it's a song at least.

Incidentally, though I've turned out some fine choruses, I've yet to write a song with a proper middle 8 this week. An aim for tomorrow (which will be the last day of this project, as I'm starting an internship on Monday).